The Pest Blog

A Fall Affair: Know Your Stink Bugs and their “Crawley” Cousins
Before Pumpkin-Spice-Everything takes its cultural grasp on the region, leaf-peeping tourists aren’t the only critters invading New Hampshire this time of year – and one class of “invaders” in particular are here for more than stunning New England foliage. As September arrives, many insects are already preparing for their winter hiatus – and the attics and soffits of NH homes are often the targets.

Monadnock Pest celebrates International Bat Week!
Bats of diverse variety have their perfect place in our natural world; and their contributions to our environment are integral. Bats are also an important part of our business in wildlife conflict mitigation here in New Hampshire as well

New Hampshire snow loads help predict spring pest pulse
Although February in New Hampshire doesn’t tend to elicit thoughts of mosquitoes, ticks, and other pesty summer critters, the season’s iconic snow cover may provide a barometer of what we can expect for pest pressure this coming spring.

Late Season Stingers: The “buzz” with Autumn yellow-jacket activity.
While present throughout the spring and summer, yellow jacket nests are at their largest during late summer and early fall (with each nest boasting roughly 1,000-4,000 workers). As the number of developing larvae increases throughout the season, workers will forage and expand upon the nest construction; doubling the size of the colony every few weeks throughout the summer.