The Pest Blog

A Fall Affair: Know Your Stink Bugs and their “Crawley” Cousins
Before Pumpkin-Spice-Everything takes its cultural grasp on the region, leaf-peeping tourists aren’t the only critters invading New Hampshire this time of year – and one class of “invaders” in particular are here for more than stunning New England foliage. As September arrives, many insects are already preparing for their winter hiatus – and the attics and soffits of NH homes are often the targets.

Ants Around The Home: A Brief Summary
Of all, the Carpenter Ant is arguably the most prolific household pest in New Hampshire. So how can the average homeowner defend your most expensive real estate investment? There are some small tasks to help reduce the presence of ants.

Damage from Above: Don’t let pests go “over your head”.
Whether its soiled insulation posing health risks and impacting coveted R-value for home heat efficiency, hazardous electrical wiring gnawed by persistent rodents, or structural damage caused by wood-destroying and boring insects; what you can’t see above you may pose serious problems.