The Pest Blog

Ants Around The Home: A Brief Summary
Of all, the Carpenter Ant is arguably the most prolific household pest in New Hampshire. So how can the average homeowner defend your most expensive real estate investment? There are some small tasks to help reduce the presence of ants.

Tick or Treat: Fall Tick Activity Brings Little Reprieve
As New Hampshire’s fall season is by now well underway, the season also brings added run-ins with those pesky parasites - ticks! Fall season is when these blood feeders, most notably Blacklegged ticks, a species which carries Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections, are the most active.

Heatwave: Those NH critters that “like it hot”
While most of us are metaphorically melting, some creatures who call the Granite State home are no strangers to hot & humid. So settle into some AC climate control and read all about the New Hampshire critters that can definitely take the heat.

How to Detract Pests and Wildlife From Your Home This Spring
Monadnock Pest & Wildlife owner Jeff Traynor was recently featured in an article by full-service real estate brokerage Redfin. The article is featured in its entirety here on the Monadnock Pest Blog!

Late Season Stingers: The “buzz” with Autumn yellow-jacket activity.
While present throughout the spring and summer, yellow jacket nests are at their largest during late summer and early fall (with each nest boasting roughly 1,000-4,000 workers). As the number of developing larvae increases throughout the season, workers will forage and expand upon the nest construction; doubling the size of the colony every few weeks throughout the summer.

Backyard feeders aren’t just “for the birds.”
While the intent of the bird feeder is pretty clear, many are unaware of the unintended consequences that come with providing a 24/7 all-you-can eat buffet to your local wildlife.