The Pest Blog

Wasp Control: Taking the “sting” out of summer sizzle
New Hampshire is home to several species of stinging insects that all fall under the same family known as Vespidae; all with varying degrees of temperament around humans. One of the most common bouts of confusion surrounding stinging insects is identification, and the reference to such. Wasps are not the same as bees, and hornets are not the same as solitary wasps. Understanding the differences between species and genus is paramount to determining whether the stinging insect you’ve encountered poses a safety threat.

Tick or Treat: Fall Tick Activity Brings Little Reprieve
As New Hampshire’s fall season is by now well underway, the season also brings added run-ins with those pesky parasites - ticks! Fall season is when these blood feeders, most notably Blacklegged ticks, a species which carries Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections, are the most active.

Monadnock Pest celebrates International Bat Week!
Bats of diverse variety have their perfect place in our natural world; and their contributions to our environment are integral. Bats are also an important part of our business in wildlife conflict mitigation here in New Hampshire as well

From the loins of the Ugly Stick: Behold the Dobsonfly
Growing up on a river, my fascination with this complex creature started at a young age. My first observation of an adult Dobsonfly was one of both immense inquiry, and sheer awe that nature could conjure something so down-right ugly.